
Happy harvesting

Grow your own with the right tools to help

Happy Harvesting © GARDENA

Herbs are another popular choice with gardeners alongside fruit and vegetables. The Grip Cut scissors from GARDENA is equipped with a gripper to make it possible to grip and cut at the same time with just one hand. The taste of summer lasts long into autumn and winter in the form of homemade herb salt or pesto.

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After gardeners have spent the spring and summer months sowing, tending, and watering, it is finally time for them to harvest the fruits of their labour. With clever tools to help, gardeners should have no problem collecting sweet fruit and crunchy veg whether it has been growing up in a tree, down in a bed or in a prickly bush.

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It is easy for gardeners to harvest their own fruit and vegetables with the right tools and techniques on their side – even if their fruit and vegetables have been growing deep underground or high up in a tree. The exact tool and technique will depend on how the fruit and vegetable has been grown and how thick the stems are. Potatoes are grown in beds or in pots or bags on a patio or balcony. Gardeners need to take care when digging up these delicious root vegetables with a spading fork to avoid spearing the tubers. A hand fork will do the job if the potatoes have been grown in a pot or bag.

For vegetables like courgettes and pumpkins, it is a question of quality over quantity. Unless gardeners are planning to enter a competition, they should pick their pumpkins before they grow too big. They are so much nicer to eat at this point thanks to their firm flesh and full flavour. A sharp VeggieCut Harvesting Knife guarantees a clean cut one or two centimetres up the stalk. A small, smooth cut reduces the risk of fungal diseases. Fruit and vegetables with thinner stalks – such as peppers and tomatoes – can also be cut using a harvesting knife or secateurs. These foods taste best and are most nutritious when eaten fresh, while pumpkins and carrots can last and last depending on the variety.

Fresh fruit within reach

As summer draws to a close, there is plenty of juicy fruit to go round. Gardeners often have their hands and kitchens full with apples, pears and plums. They just need to be able to reach the fruit on the highest branches to reap the full harvest. But even a fear of heights will not stop them if they have a Fruit Collector with a telescopic handle to help them collect high-up fruit without their feet leaving the ground. The other option is to use a branch hook to bend branches so they are within reach or to gently shake the branches.

Windfall wins

Windfall is fruit that has fallen off a tree naturally or due to bad weather or some other external factor. As a general rule, gardeners should go out into their garden to check for windfall fruit every day or two during harvest season. If the fruit has been attacked by pests, it has to be thrown into the rubbish bin to stop them spreading. It is a good idea to check fruit that is still hanging on trees for pests too. Fruit that is just bruised can be added to the compost heap and turned into precious humus. Any freshlyfallen fruit that is in good condition can be collected up and used to make cakes, juice or purée. Gardeners can be kind to the local wildlife by hanging a nice piece of windfall fruit from a tree as a tasty snack for birds.

The sweet scent of berries fills the air towards the end of summer too. Raspberries and blackberries can be picked straight from the plant and eaten fresh all the way into October. But this can be easier said than done if they are growing on a larger plant or there are too many thorns in the way. That is where the Berry Picker comes in as a hand-held tool for collecting berries comfortably within reach. Gardeners can also use the handy tool to collect hard-to-reach berries and other fruits growing in trees by combining it with a handle from the GARDENA combisystem range.

The Fruit Collector, Berry Picker and Branch Hook are all compatible with all the GARDENA combisystem handles. Gardeners just need to screw them on and they are good to go. These tools are designed to help out with all kinds of jobs in the garden – regardless of the requirements and gardening style.


Abstract: Late summer is a time for enjoying fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs. But how do gardeners reach sweet fruits high up in the trees or on thorny plants? Clever pickers and collectors can be used as hand-held tools or combined with a handle to reach all the tasty treats.

About Gardena
For over 50 years Gardena has provided everything passionate gardeners need. The broad assortment of products offers innovative solutions and systems for watering, lawn care, tree and shrub care and soil cultivation. Today, Gardena is a leading European supplier of high-quality gardening tools and distributed in more than 100 countries worldwide. Gardena is a brand of Husqvarna Group. Gardena Division has 3,450 employees worldwide. Further information on gardena.com.
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Happy Harvesting
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Happy Harvesting
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Happy Harvesting
3 500 x 2 334 photo_camera © GARDENA
Happy Harvesting
3 500 x 2 334 photo_camera © GARDENA
Happy Harvesting
3 500 x 2 335 photo_camera © GARDENA
Happy Harvesting
3 500 x 2 334 photo_camera © GARDENA
Happy Harvesting
3 500 x 2 334 photo_camera © GARDENA

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